You Can't Beat Local


You Can't Beat Local


IGA is Australia's local grocer. But shopping local had begun to feel like a personal compromise -- something nice to do, but that comes at a financial expense to you. We needed to shake this latent feeling that shopping at IGA was a personal compromise and transform it into what it really was -- a personal gain all the way. To do that, we needed to give local a rebrand. From just an easy and nice thing to do to a POWERFUL thing for you. From a lifestyle to a mighty lifehack. Across every aspect of the brand experience, we set out to weaponise local, so people start to rethink it as a better, more masterful & valuable way of living, thinking shopping, saving & eating. To introduce Australia to the game changing power of local, we launched a big, bold brand campaign with an audacious promise: You Can't Beat Local. Shoppers around Australia were shown all the ways--from fresh, to value, to community -- that shopping local isn't simply a nice to do but a must do for the savvy shopper.

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