Wayne's World: Party Time, Excellent
Wayne's World: Party Time, Excellent
We reunited the iconic stars of Wayne’s World to tell Americans to eat local. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey, the stars who portrayed local-access legends Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar on the classic “Saturday Night Live” “Wayne’s World” skits and on the big screen, have been reunited at the Super Bowl to ask viewers to 'Eat Local' on behalf of Uber Eats. Joining them in Wayne’s basement rec room is chart-topping rapper Cardi B, who flexes her flair for comedy in the 60-second Super Bowl spot, which aired in the third quarter.
The pair asked viewers to support their local U.S. restaurants but state that they’d never manipulate them to do so. Of course, the rest of the spot is a mash-up of some of the industry’s classic persuasive tactics. There’s subliminal messaging, a cutaway of Garth, with flowing, blonde curls and Wayne bouncing a lookalike baby in an “Eat Local” T-shirt on his knee. In addition to appearing in the Super Bowl campaign, Myers and Carvey appeared in a two-hour video, starring rock icon Alice Cooper, that rolls the credits for the 100,000 local restaurants available on the Uber Eats app.