Turning cricket tragics into property tragics
Turning cricket tragics into property tragics
We celebrated Domain's position as proud property tragics. Real estate specialist Domain wanted to leverage their long-standing investment in test cricket sponsorship to shift the dial from awareness to engagement. Most Aussies know a ‘Cricket Tragic’ is a term that describes the fantastics of the game. Equally, with Domain’s obsessive in depth knowledge of the world of property, they can safely declare themselves ‘Property Tragics’ (‘Property Tragic’ refers to those who can’t help themselves and talk about real-estate at any given opportunity.). Leveraging Domain’s sponsorship of Test Cricket, we helped them use any opportunity to talk about property, even when it’s not appropriate.Our humorous take on traditional player profiles saw us turn familiar sport stars into cricket tragics. What began as something sports fans have all seen before, quickly veered off into a very real estate direction. This resulted in innovative and engaging ways to exhibit Domain's obsessive and in-depth knowledge of all things property and raised their profile as property tragics.